material : bamboo, safety glass
color : natural, caramel, custom
finish : natural oil, Polyurethane, wax
designer craftsman : Charles Tsunashima
Made to order. Price on request.

材質 : 竹、強化ガラス
カラー : ナチュラル、キャラメル、カスタム
仕上げ : 天然オイル、ウレタン、ワックス
デザイナー職人 : 綱島 チャールズ
個別受注生産  プライス・オン・リクエスト

If you have read the other stories behind my work (pls. refer to Mikado) you will get a laugh out of this one.

Yes, Mikado still means emperor in Japanese ( audacious title? A little ) and yes it is still the name of a European game.

Ever played 52 pickup? Think of it as the stick version. Imaging the mess? Well, that’s the chaos I was aiming for, only dining table large. Actually Extra Large , thus Mikado XL&T, with a diameter of 120cm, it sits 4 at ease. So what is the &T of Mikado XL&T? Well, I could tell you it is the new T joint connecting the base to the seamless top but I would rather ask you to say XL&T out loud 5 times really fast.






Yup! It’s a pretty excellent table, it is : )
As usual, of bamboo in natural or caramel. Custom colors available on request.