broom craftsman | ほうき職人

Taking the mundane to a rhelm of its own. Awe inspiring that such a craftsman are amongst us.

Japanese swordsmith Vol.1 | 日本刀の職人たちVOL1 刀鍛冶

This is a video series of 7 from the Japanese Ministry of Education. Showing in detail the steps in making a Japanese sword: metal smith, sharpening, connections, sheath, lacquer finishing, handle, guard and engraving.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard | アニー レオナードの物の話し

Viewed over 100 million times, Annie Leonard walks us through the flow of modern consumer cycles: Extraction, production, distribution, consumption and disposal.

Handcrafted in North Carolina | ハンドメイド イン ノースカロライナ

Raleigh Denim: A video portrait of a couple that embraces sustainability of local craftsmen and women with uncompromised premium denim.

Ten principles for good design | 良いデザインの十の原則

Dieter Rams, an advocate of design integrity and functionalism, has developed numerous notable designs addressing our perspective on objects in an ever growing consumer society.

see Dieter Rams' 10 Principles for Good Design at vitsoe.

Nature by Numbers

An eloquent visual explanation of the "Golden Ratio". This ratio is repeatedly found is nature and has been used by creator such as Leonardo DaVinci, Michael Angelo in their composition, aiming to achieve harmonious relationship between elements in their work.

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